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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

DIY Deep Conditioner

DIY Deep Conditioner + Routine 


1 Egg + Mixing Bowl

  • Good for dry damaged hair
  • Rich in protein
  • Makes hair follicles stronger
  • Smooth hair

Favorite Conditioner

  • Softens
  • Moisturizing
  • Great Slip

3 tbsp. of Mayo

  • Moisturizes hair
  • Protects from harmful styling products
  • Restore hair's PH balance
  • Helps to prevent breakage

2 tbsp. of Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

  • Adds/seals in moisture
  • Adds strength
  • Makes hair manageable
  • Softens hair
  • Penetrate hair shaft

1 tbsp. of Honey

  • Helps stimulate hair growth
  • Prevents hair fall
  • Brings back lost sheen on hair


1. Mix all ingredients together
2. Warm a bowl of water in a microwave for about 2 mins.
3. Place bowl w/ ingredients in the hot water to warm the products

4. Put your hair into at least 4 sections
5. Start applying the product to each strand of your hair until you cover all sections

6. Place your hair into a shower cap or plastic bag *Just as I did*
7. Allow your hair to soak up the product by:
       a. Sit under head dryer for 15 mins.
       b. Keep shower cap/ plastic bag on hair for a couple of hours
       c. Take a shower w/ shower cap to allow steam to open your hair cuticles

8. Wash out ALL products
*BEWARE ! You may see small pieces of cooked egg in your hair * :D

9. Style as usual or use the L.O.C method 

If you want a post o the L.O.C. method, comment below !
                                     I MIGHT do it anyway :] 

I hope you all enjoyed this Bonus post for this week !

-Bantu Beauty

Monday, July 25, 2016

My Porosity Test

Welcome to Bantu Beauty my fellow Fashionistas and Fashionisters !

I apologize for taking so long to post! I was on vacation and needed to focus on spending time with my family. Because I was gone for so long I will give you 1 EXTRA post as a gift from me !
Here is the first post !
(2nd post will go up sometime during the week)

I hope you enjoy ! 

My Porosity/Density Test

What is a Porosity/Density Test?

A Porosity test is a test used to determine how much moisture and water your hair will absorb. Depending on the condition of your hair, the cuticle layer could be open allowing your hair to take it more moisture or tightly closed preventing your hair to take in moisture.

How Do I Determine My Hair's Porosity Level? 

There are multiple ways to test your hair's porosity, but the easiest is to conduct a “floating hair test.”
  1. Get a cup or bowl of water.

2. Take a strand of your hair and Let it sit in the cup/bowel for about 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Observe your hair. If you hair is floating in the water, you have low porosity. If your hair is sinking, you have high porosity.

As you can see from my photos, my hair stayed floating at the top which means that my hair is . .

low porosity  

Because my hair is low porosity, I have to either heat my products before application or heat my hair with product on it so that my hair cuticles can open and that way it would be easier for my hair to absorb more moisture.

Now that I am educated on my hair's porosity level, I know what products to use and how to treat my hair! 
I encourage you to find out your hair's porosity so that it would be easier to treat!

I hope this will help you & be sure to comment below for any further questions!

-Bantu Beauty

Friday, July 1, 2016

Curel Product review

Product Review

Welcome Back to Bantu Beauty !

Hello my fellow Fashionistas and Fashionisters !

Today's blog is a review on a product that I have recently purchased and LOVED !

It is Curel's Itch Defense Lotion. You can buy this product at any drug store or department store. I buy mine from Dollar General for about $4!

 This product is great for those who have Eczema prone skin like I do. I use this product every morning after I wash my face and every night after my showers . . . I only apply it to the places that I would typically have Eczema flare ups . . .

i.e. My face, neck, and the inside of my arms.
This Lotion says that it is used for:
  • Instantly relieving dry, itchy skin
  • Helps to control any future flare ups
  • Restoring the skin's natural moisture
It is also:
  • Allergist Tested
  • Pediatrician Tested
  • Fragrance-free
  • Dermatologist Recommended
 The great thing about this product is that you can use it on your children without it irritating their skin . . . its not harsh on your skin and it will leave your skin feeling smooth and soft.

The only cons that I have with this product is that it may take longer to clear the skin and that it will make your skin feel a little sticky directly after application.

I recommend that if you suffer from Eczema prone skin to purchase this product and see how well it works for your skin. It is good for every skin type: oily, dry, or combination.

I hope you enjoyed this product review . . .
 . . . if you have anymore questions about this product PLEASE comment below

-Bantu Beauty