DIY Deep Conditioner + Routine
1 Egg + Mixing Bowl
- Good for dry damaged hair
- Rich in protein
- Makes hair follicles stronger
- Smooth hair
Favorite Conditioner
- Softens
- Moisturizing
- Great Slip
3 tbsp. of Mayo
- Moisturizes hair
- Protects from harmful styling products
- Restore hair's PH balance
- Helps to prevent breakage
2 tbsp. of Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
- Adds/seals in moisture
- Adds strength
- Makes hair manageable
- Softens hair
- Penetrate hair shaft
1 tbsp. of Honey
- Helps stimulate hair growth
- Prevents hair fall
- Brings back lost sheen on hair
1. Mix all ingredients together
2. Warm a bowl of water in a microwave for about 2 mins.
3. Place bowl w/ ingredients in the hot water to warm the products
4. Put your hair into at least 4 sections
5. Start applying the product to each strand of your hair until you cover all sections
6. Place your hair into a shower cap or plastic bag *Just as I did*
7. Allow your hair to soak up the product by:
a. Sit under head dryer for 15 mins.
b. Keep shower cap/ plastic bag on hair for a couple of hours
c. Take a shower w/ shower cap to allow steam to open your hair cuticles
8. Wash out ALL products
*BEWARE ! You may see small pieces of cooked egg in your hair * :D
9. Style as usual or use the L.O.C method
If you want a post o the L.O.C. method, comment below !
I MIGHT do it anyway :]
I hope you all enjoyed this Bonus post for this week !
-Bantu Beauty
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